by Gabrielle Hymes
Last week I got together with my friend, Ruth, and her two boys to explore the wooded trails and tree houses of Anglesey Abbey. I have to give her credit for the idea to get outside and embark on an outdoor winter adventure. It was pretty cold and I confessed that I nearly canceled. Although we didn't cover the full 114 acres, it was still a pretty serious walk when toting kids. The crazy thing to me was how many people were out walking the trails, most of them over age 65! I honestly didn't think it was my cup of tea at first. But it was awesome! Everyone had fun and the kiddos were ready for naps by the time we left. Kids and adults need exercise in the fresh air, cold or not.
One of my favorite places to train clients in the summer is at the playground. It's a free gym in the fresh air, close to home. Since I've decided to commit to getting outdoors more with my children, despite the cold weather, I decided to workout at the playground yesterday while they ran off steam. Next time you hit the playground, choose to warm up by taking the stroller and amuse your children with these sweet moves!
Uneven Squat and Lift- Find a bench, step, or one of those cool mushroom pods. Keep your knees and toes facing forward. Try not to slam your foot into the squat. Control the movement. Two counts down, two counts up. Do at least 30 on each side.
Bench Jumps- Pretty self explanatory. I have yet to go to a playground without a bench. Keep your feet hip-width apart throughout the exercise. Shall we say 40?
Single Leg Squats 2 ways:
With leg straight out in front- Don't lift it too high, and be sure to keep your ribcage over your hips so you don't topple over. Do 20 each side.
With leg in back- Bend the back leg and square your hips. Don't lean too far forward. Engage those abdominals! Do 20 each side.
Squat and Pull- If your playground has a ladder, rock wall, or other climbing contraption (as seen below), do 60 squat and pulls. Don't drop into it too fast and be sure to squeeze your tuches when stretching your knees!
Hanging Sit-Ups- You can loop your legs through a ladder, monkey bars, or any kind of overhang your playground has. Go until you just can't go anymore...then do a couple more!
Suspended Leg Lifts- For your 6-pack. Press yourself up in between the railing. Press your shoulders down and flex your feet. If your abs aren't strong enough to keep your legs straight while lifting, bend your knees and curl up to your chest. DON'T swing! Control the motion. Try three sets of 30.
Push-Ups 2 Ways:
Inclined in between railings- Or on a bench, pod, or steps. Keep your hips low, waist (belly button) lifted. How about alternating both ways in sets of 20?
Inclined "Bling" Push-ups- Use a flat surface like the pod pictured below. Put your forefingers and thumbs together in a diamond and press your elbows out when you go down. Don't sink in your shoulders.
Modified Pull-Ups:
For the back- Use an overhand grip to target your mid-back. This is an excellent way to strengthen your muscles for an unassisted pull-up. Shoot for 20.
For the biceps- Placing your palms facing upward and keeping your elbows in by your side when you pull-up will pin-point your biceps nicely. Don't use your hips to help you lift your body. Do 30, then alternate with the above exercise for another set.
Suspended Dips- If you are up for a challenge! Press your body up in between two railings (or hanging rings if available), bend your elbows as much as you are able, then press back up. Shoot for 25.
Stair Dips- Steps or a bench also work well for dips. Make sure you place your hands near your bum, raise your hips, and press your weight back so that your shoulders are over your hands. Let's say 20.
Cool it down by jogging your wiped out kids home in the stroller! Don't have kids? Run your dog or your neighbors dog there and back. Enjoy the fresh air!
Reprinted by permission from Gabrielle Hymes
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